“Zero” meeting of polish participants of the DURAWOOD project
In consultation with the DURAWOOD Steering Committee (SC) the Project Leader (PL) has planned the first (zero) meeting of the DURAWOOD project. It took place in Poznan on 13 September 2013 at the PULS-FWT, Wojska Polskiego st. 38/42, Poznan (seminar room 232, 2nd floor).
The meeting started on 13 Sept. 10:00 and ended by 12:00.
The draft agenda is as follows:
1. Welcome to participants
2. Adoption of the agenda
3. Presentation of the partners
4. Status of the project
4.1. Background – project proposal
4.2. Partnership agreement (PA)
4.3. Project contract (PC)
5. General information on project mechanism (funding and reporting of coordination
6. Internal rules of procedure for management (principal investigator, WPs leaders)
7. Budget plan for the first period
8. Place and date of next meeting (kick-off workshop)
9. AOB
10. Closing